Madison High School
Class of 1966

General donations to the Madison Class of 1966 Alumni Fund will help pay for class reunions and to pay for the Madison66.com website.
~~ 60th Year Reunion ~~
The 60th Year reunion is less that two years away (2026). Beverly (Rigby) Boyle and Carla (Smith) Clark were chosen as co-chairpersons and they already have 3+ volunteers as committee members. But they want and need more. The point was clearly made from past reunions that committee members do not have to be Rexburg-vicinity residents to serve on the committee. So here's your chance, if anyone out there would like to participate on the planning committee for the next reunion, contact Beverly or Carla. FYI, you can communicate to any classmate through this website (if the website has their correct email address in their profile).
~~ Classmate Profiles ~~
If you haven't done so by now, please update your profile information on this 'Madison66' website so we can send you information about future reunions and so classmates can communicate with you. If you haven't created your Profile, just go to 'Classmate Profiles' in the top menu bar of this 'Home Page' of this website, then when the list of classmates appears just click on your name from the list and follow the prompts to complete your profile. You can add photos and any other information you want, but please include a correct email address so others can communicate with you.
Click on the jukebox for some songs from back in the day
(Sorry, the jukebox is broken and I can't fix it!)
If you have any info on missing classmates, please email the website. We would like to have our participation go from 68% to 100%. If you need help updating your profile, grab one of your kids and even more, your grandkids. They are great in this social networking age we live in.
Madison High School Class of 1966 at the 50th Year Reunion
Class of 1966 - 50th Year Commemorative Bench - Donated to Madison High School at the reunion in 2016
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